Kaedah Pembayaran

Untuk kemudahan anda, kami kini menerima beberapa kaedah pembayaran seperti yang disenaraikan di bawah.

Bank Transfer (pemindahan Talian atau ATM deposit langsung)
Bank: Maybank  
Nama: Hariyati Bt Anuar
No. Akaun 101106068284

* For ATM machine cash deposit, its not accepting small notes, if you paid more than the amount needed, the balance will be kept for next order use. 

Please remember to inform us after payment made. We will only send out orders after payment is confirmed. You can inform us via :
Email :
Call / SMS : 012-3016426/0148354777
Shop payment notice : Payment Notice

Details that we need :
1. Your Order No. 
2. Your Username/Email
3. Payment bank (Pay to Maybank,)
4. Amount
5. Date & time of payment made

*Please keep your receipt. We may need you to provide payment proof if we need further verification of your payment.

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